Yr 5 Go Sailing

On Tuesday 18th June, Year 5 went to the Andrew Simpson Centre at the WPNSA in Portland.
They had a wonderful time in the sunshine learning new skills and taking part in many water borne activities.
They were split into 2 groups and experienced Kayaking, Giant Paddle Boarding and Sailing in 2/3 man boats.
They each undertook the different jobs in the sailing boats, including navigating, steering and the mast and sail control.
At the start of the morning some of our children were very nervous, but by the end of the fantastic day, they were all jumping into the sea and helping each other to climb back on the different craft, all safe in the knowledge that their life jackets and helmets kept them safe.

The sailing centre offers lots of different activities including day and half day activities for all children from the age of 5.
All the children came back tired but so proud of their new skills. A brilliant day in the sun- shine.

Super Second Quad Kids

On Thursday 27th June, 16 Year 3/4/5/6 pupils attended Quad Kids Athletics Tournament at Beaminster School.

Year 3/4 consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls. They all had to run in a 50m sprint, 400m distance run, Standing Long Jump and a Vortex Howler Throw then at the end, take part in a shuttle relay.
Year 5/6 again consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls. They had a 70m sprint, 600m distance run, Standing Long Jump and a Vortex Howler Throw. This again was followed by a shuttle relay.

All our wonderful children performed fantastically and narrowly missed out on 1st place by the slimmest of margins, 7 points at the final count by Mr R Hobby at Beaminster School.
I must give a special mention to Arienne who came 1st overall in her 3/4 sprint running it in 7.64 seconds. Holly came 1st overall in the Year 3/4 Standing Long Jump, jumping a magnificent 1.82m. Theo came joint first in the Yr 3/4 400m running it in 1 minute 20 with Jude just 4 tenths of a second behind. Caitlyn took first place in the Howler throw with an amazing throw of 24.45 m equalling that of Reggie who came 3rd overall for the Year 5/6 boys. Holly and Arienne came 1st and 2nd respectively out of all the Year 3/4 girls. Charlie and Jude came 2nd and 3rd respectively out of all the Year 3/4 boys.

All our children performed fantastically upholding all our sporting and school values. We are so proud of you all.

Super Stride 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

After the success of last years Super Stride, we have decided to hold another one this year! Last year the playground got a new lick of paint, this year we are aiming higher. We would like to raise funds this year to provide an enclosed outdoor classroom to enrich forest school sessions, and enable other lessons to venture out into nature regardless of the weather.

Super Stride will be a fun, 2k or 5k (your choice!) run or walk. Parents & siblings are invited to take part and to also get sponsored.  The optional fancy dress theme this year is Sports – this is to acknowledge The Euros & The Olympics that will be taking place this year.

Super Stride will take place on Friday 14th June at 1.30pm. Parents & siblings can arrive from 1.20pm. Students can come to school already in their fancy dress. (Fancy dress is optional)

Below you will find a sponsorship form to be completed, if you need more sheets contact reception and we will happily print more off for you.

Yours Sincerely

Simon Smith

Handball Heroes

1.5.24 – On Thursday 25th April, 13 of our Year 4/5/6 pupils took part in their first ever Handball Tournament at Beaminster School.
We played 5x 10-minute games against other schools in the collaboration. We won the first game against Greenford scoring 5 goals. We drew with 2 other schools and lost to both the Stickland teams.
Fabulous goals were scored by Teyen, Freddie, Theo and Harris. Kaylan, Archie and Jude were superb goal-keepers and were supported brilliantly by Devon, Charlie, Carter, Holly, Lyla and Conor who covered the whole of the pitch with superb passing and defending. We came 4th overall with 9 points.
All our children displayed our school and sports values and took the lead in shaking hands with the opposing teams. Congratulations to all our players and a massive thank you to all our parents that transported our team to this event and supported everyone.


17.4.24 – On Tuesday 16th April, 8 of our Year 5 and 6’s participated in the Kwik Cricket Tournament at Beaminster Memorial Playing Fields. 5 schools took part in this exciting event.

As always, Parrett and Axe children displayed the highest examples of sportsmanship and behaviour, upholding all our sporting and school values.

Our team was declared overall winner of the tournament so congratulations to all our players.

A massive thank you to all the parents who transported and supported our superb cricketers to this event and our thanks, too, to Ross Baker and all the umpires including our own Reverend Baldwin for organising such an enjoyable event.

Paralympic Athlete to visit P&A

25.3.24 – We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Sports for Schools event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be visiting us on Monday 22nd April will be paralympic swimmer and triathlete David Hill!  

On the event day children will need to come in their PE kits as they will be taking part in a sponsored fitness circuit run by their athlete. A terrific way to get all children excited about sport and realise that getting moving is really fun!

David will then share his incredible sporting journey, a story of resilience and determination in a fun and interactive assembly. There will also be an opportunity to ask any burning questions in a Q&A session with their inspiring role-model at the end!  

The children will be bringing home a sponsorship form today with more details on how to collect sponsor money. The money raised for the event will go towards new important resources to improve levels of physical activity in our school, such as new sports equipment!

Tree Planting Extravaganza

This week has seen the children plant another 80 trees taking our total to around 250 altogether. They are now all expert tree planters and all have some understanding of the important role trees play in our fight against climate change.
This time we have planted a wide variety of trees including Oak, Sessile Oak, Field Maple, Grey Willow, Silver Birch, Wild Cherry and Hazel.
We are very proud of all the children and all their efforts!
Huge thanks to our Tree Expert, Pete Rothman, for his knowledge and all his help planting the trees, Mrs Guppy for leading day 2, all our wonderful parent helpers and of course all our marvellous children who worked so hard to dig, plant and refill the holes!!
I can’t wait to see them grow.
Onwards and Upwards

Cross Country Stars

On Wednesday 28th February, 24 of our awesome athletes took part in the Cross Country Relays at Sir John Colfox School. The weather was absolutely awful but all our fabulous runners ran superbly. Some of our athletes were taking part for the first time.

This year we had to wear coloured bibs to denote our team and school. We could also run in any order instead of the usual fixed order. All children ran 1000m each and had to pass a cone to the next team member who then ran. The last runner had to run into the funnel and were awarded a place.

CONGRATULATIONS to Year 3/4 A team who came 2nd overall in their year grouping. They were awarded medals and certificates.
As always, Parrett and Axe children ran alongside, supporting each other and cheering each pupil’s run.
It is always heart warming to see this display of encouragement towards each other. All the children were true ambassadors of sport upholding all our school and sporting values.
Thank you also, to all our wonderful parents who transport and support our school at all these events.