Super Stride 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

After the success of last years Super Stride, we have decided to hold another one this year! Last year the playground got a new lick of paint, this year we are aiming higher. We would like to raise funds this year to provide an enclosed outdoor classroom to enrich forest school sessions, and enable other lessons to venture out into nature regardless of the weather.

Super Stride will be a fun, 2k or 5k (your choice!) run or walk. Parents & siblings are invited to take part and to also get sponsored.  The optional fancy dress theme this year is Sports – this is to acknowledge The Euros & The Olympics that will be taking place this year.

Super Stride will take place on Friday 14th June at 1.30pm. Parents & siblings can arrive from 1.20pm. Students can come to school already in their fancy dress. (Fancy dress is optional)

Below you will find a sponsorship form to be completed, if you need more sheets contact reception and we will happily print more off for you.

Yours Sincerely

Simon Smith

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