27.01.25 – While Year 6 were doing their practice SATs, Year 5 were working very hard to create PowerPoints about different aspects of our government. Please do have a look at their work to see what we have been learning about.
6.6.24 – As part of our “Disaster” topic we made some information presentations on the Chernobyl Disaster which you can read as flip books below.
30.4.24 – below is our homework book for our “disaster” topic.
19.3.24 – Last week was Science Week. Each of the classes took part in some exciting activities over the course of the week. Lulworth designed sustainable cities for people to live in in the year 2050.
22.1.24 – Take a look at our new homework book for the Greece Lightning topic. Keep coming back as we will add to it over the weeks. The link for the Cerberus video is https://youtu.be/nc0CUdyGXBg
9.11.23 – Check out our homework book for out of this world.
18.9.23 – Lulworth had a great trip to Magdalen Farm today. We went orienteering, took part in some team building challenges and got to meet the pigs and chickens.
19.6.23 – Last week, the year 5 children in Lulworth were set the task of designing and making a cushion which shows Dorset. The children rose to the challenge and created some lovely pieces. They were all very different and included a great range of techniques, including appliqué, dying, machine sticking and some impressive hand stitching!
3.5.22 – Lulworth started their new topic ‘Disaster!’ at the end of last term. To launch the new unit, they were tasked with designing and making models of erupting volcanoes!
3.5.22 – In maths, Lulworth have been exploring nets of 3D shapes.
22.3.22 – In our IT lessons we have been making digital art using Paint.net. The pupils learned to crop a photo with a lasso, and then add it as a layer to a different background. They then flattened their pictures and saved them as a .jpeg file. The photographs were downloaded from Pixabay a copyright free source. Take a look at the photos and see if you can work out which parts have been added.
22.3.21 – In Lulworth we have been studying Salvation in RE. We discussed the 3 types of crosses and made our own Sunday cross. The pupils learnt how to lash with string and decorated them with bright colours for joy and sombre colours for sadness.

24.2.21 – Lulworth have been working hard on their British Political System topic this term. One of our students made an amazing model of Big Ben and we wanted to share it with you all – well done!