Tree Planting Workshop

We have managed to secure 60 free hedge saplings and 30 free tree saplings for our outside space.
On Wednesday 16th and Friday 18th November all children in school will be participating in tree
planting workshops with a local tree planting expert who works with schools across the county to plant
trees in school grounds. The PFTA will kindly be paying for his time.
The children have been split into mixed aged groups and, if they have siblings in school, have been
grouped together for this experience with the idea that the older children will be able to support the
younger children during the workshops.

If you are able to volunteer to help during either or both of the days or for part of the day, can you
please let the office know by Thursday 10th November. Each session will last about 45 minutes and will
involve some initial learning about trees with the leader as well as support to plant the saplings. There
will be five sessions during each of the two days – the approximate times are as follows.
Session 1 – 9.30am – 10.15am
Session 2 – 10.30am – 11.15am
Session 3 – 11.15am -12.00pm.
LUNCH – 12pm – 1pm
Session 4 – 1.15pm – 2pm
Session 5 – 2.00 – 2.45pm
We need as many easy to use trowels and narrow spades as we can get, so if you have any that you
don’t mind lending to us over the two days please can you let the office know asap so we know if we
need to buy any. If you are able to lend us any tools, please can you make sure they are clearly named
so they can be returned to their rightful owners!

This is phase one of our outdoor planting project. We have fruit trees arriving in the Spring Term so will
be calling on you to help us again after Christmas.
As part of this project we need large, clean yoghurt pots and cable ties that we can use to make name
tags to attach to each sapling so the children know which one is theirs to look after.

Can you please send any large, cleaned yoghurt pots and any spare cable ties you may have lurking in
your sheds in with your child as soon as possible. We need loads so please keep sending them in over
the next couple of weeks – we will let you know when we have enough.
Any queries or questions – please contact Miss Ives via the office:

Thanks in advance.
Julia Ives




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